Recap 2012 Online:
I was probably the biggest winner on Prima in 2011 making close to 10bb/100 at 1/2 and above. On top of that I got 60% rakeback. There was not a hell lot of action above 2/4 but some tables ran every day and when it ran it was some of the softest on the internet and I was sitting in every single one of them during my grindhours.
Prima removed
the waiting list function early 2012. You'd now have to constantly monitor all tables trying to click the open seat before someone else does. After that change I was logging 30% less hands per hour. The whole grinding experience turned into a pain. After being a regular in their PLO games for more than 2 years I decided that I had to move on.
I moved 90% of my action to Stars and played some Party on the side first half
of the year and went on some serious heater before leaving for WSOP and travel around the world after 300k hands.
Came back in
September, was rusty, played bad and run worse which resulted in the
worst stretch of variance I have ever experienced. That included my
first >100 buyin downswing. Fortunately I played a lot 1/2 and no
10/20 and ran OK at the top of my buyin range which made it bearable
moneywise. Lost over 20k only at 1/2 in five weeks. Took a three weeks
vacation to Laos/Vietnam after 450k hands in October and came back with a little
more passive style and focussed my volume more back on the euro sites
instead of stars. Also played early in the morning which I never did
before and only 9 tables instead of 12 which resulted in a pretty strong finish for the year.
2012 Graph in bb |
2012 # of players |
2012 Graph in Dollars |
Recap 2013 live
I made one trip to Macau for a week in April. I had about 600k HKD sitting in my Wynn account from previous trips. The first couple of days there was not much PLO action. The 200/500 would get going and break fast because it was only regulars playing in it. While waiting for PLO action I played a bunch of 100/200 NLH waiting which runs around the clock and is almost always soft although I am mediocre at best at Holdem.
There was 30k/60k(US$4k/8k) NLH running in the Starworld in public but it was only old asian dudes playing and apparently they would not have let everybody in that game.
I somehow managed to get stuck in the PLO that ran anyway. There was one session at 200/500 where one young asian kid went on drunkatilt and after loosing a couple of stacks put 500k on the table and started 3b and open 4b the whale at the table who was deep too. One hand he 3b the whale who 4b. Board comes like qq3rb and whale cb half pot, young kid calls in position. Turn is a brick and the whale bets the full pot which was like 100k. The kid folds and the whale shows j666rb. I lost a big one where I 5b aa75ss pre and get two callers to shove a gutter with overpair on some j84 kind of board to loose a 400k pot.
One of the friends of the whale, some 60 year old cinese guy was seated at the table too but played much more solid. I saw him playing the 30k/60k game the day before. There was one incident with that gentleman where I call pre and then some guy queezes and I call behind callers but the dealer understands "pot" instead of "call" and the guy behind me folds. It gets ruled that my action is a call and now the guy from the 30k/60k game who folded because the dealer announced a 4b goes nuts because his hand is dead. I try to explain to him that I am innocent but he does not really forgive me here.
Later that night at about 5 AM a 50/100 PLO is running and full with weak players. I am stuck a lot for the trip by now. The guy from the 30k/60k walks into the room and wants to play but there is no seat. We talk a little about what happened the session before and apparently he notices my German accent and starts talking in solid German to me... pretty rare sight in Macau where most people don't speak a word English.
He wants to start a new game with me but they don't have anymore PLO dealers so he offers that we go to the Starworld to play some HU. Apparently he also really enjoyed practicing his German which might have been a good part of why he wanted to play with me. I walk to the cashier in the poker room and take out 300k in bricks of money and the remaining regulars look kinda jealous that I am getting this action.
We play 200/500 PLO at that VIP table where the 30k/60k ran the night before. I run real good in the beginning and stack him a couple of times. He asks to raise blinds and would only rebuy if we play higher. I agree and we play 500/1k. He tells me a bunch of stories like that his phone costs 80k HKD and I ask him why and responds that he does not care, it's just for fun. He says 20 years ago he was making 300 hkd a month and now he makes 3m in a bad one. I ask him what he does and he just reponds "mafia" jokingly.
When I win another stack he asks for 1k/2k and I agree because otherwise he would leave. This is by far the highest I have ever played but I have a huge edge in this game and there is no better spot to take a shot like this. He pretty much pots every button but does not 3b much and plays rather straightforward postflop but bluffs in spots where he does not have a value range etc.
Now he starts running better though and wins back a lot of what I was up. Final hand of the night we get it in on 752rb when I have j876 with two backdoor flush draws and he has bare top two. I am 60% favourite. The pot is like 500k, I cover him but I would be down for the session if I loose this. I try to talk him into running it twice but they don't allow that in Macau. I am shitting myself a little. After debating for like 15 minutes we just run it... 8 ott, 2 otr. I win. I walk back to the Wynn with a paper bag full of bricks of money... feels nice.
Next day a 100/200 PLO starts in the evening that turn into a 100/200/400 pretty soon and gets real deep with lots of weak players. One guy limp reraises AQ65rb and gets it in for 200bb. I am up like 200k in that session when I quit 10 AM. I make sure I can access my Wynn funds from Vegas wih the cashier who confirms that it is no problem and after picking up my bags from the hotel I take the cab to the airport and buy a flight home to BKK that same afternoon.
>200k stack in a 100/200/400 PLO game my last night at the Wynn. Half the tables had me covered. |
WSOP Vegas
After travelling China and Japan for three weeks I arrived in Vegas in mid June right before the two big PLO tournaments started. I shared a solid condo directly on the strip with a friend and old school grinder from the US.
Apparently the Wynn changed the rules regarding the transfers from Macau two weeks before I got there and they would only let you cash out chips into money that you won at their place and transfer the original sums back to Macau.
I had $150k at the Wynn and not too many options to get similar sums to Vegas fast.
It was not as bad as it sounded first as we were able to play for an hour or two at th Wynn and break a flag(5k chip) each when we started playing and cash out the smaller chips that are not registered. We then headed to the Rio where 10/25/50 and 25/50/100 ran every night. The games were outrageous. I was buying short because of the short sums of cash I had on hand and also because it is an easy way to print money in deep loose aggressive live games with a mississippi straddle.
I ran real hot and was up 70k after a couple of days which solved my Wynn problems for now. I then won another 20k in a session but lost back 40k that same day.
I bricked the 5k 6m PLO and the 10k full ring PLO tournaments on day one each. I liked the structure where they give you 30k in chips but you only have to put 10k on the table and can use the other for rebuys up to level x or any time you want.
After about a week or two the action moved to the Bellagio which is a much nicer environment to play in. There were up to four 50/100 PLO must move games running. The main game pretty much never broke. There was not a single regular NLH games in Vegas above 10/20/40 this summer.
The 50/100 also fills a lot with high profile players. I played some HU with Phil Laak one night when we were waiting to get into the main game but I lost a bunch in that session.
I decided not to play the main event because the PLO games were so sick soft around that time.
Overall I settled for a three week breakeven stretch after my initial heater. I won like 85k for the trip in a month in the cash games. I dropped 15k on tournaments and spend only about 5k.
Running it 3 times and making two straight flushes vs QQ86dd and nutflushdraw at 10/25/50 in the RIO for $15k pot. |
My first Cranberry |
I was not too impressed by the Vegas action outside the cardrooms. The stripclubs are not really exciting when you live in BKK and I did not invest a lot of effort into checking out the nightclubs... spend two weeks in Miami and NYC before heading to Berlin in August.
Poker Goals 2013
I am
going to continue what I started in November. 9 tabling multiple sites
and sacrificing volume for seat selection. I am setup on the six
largest networks(stars, ftp, party, prima, ipoker, 888) now. The average
game is significantly softer this way than playing only stars which I
did during my downswing in the fall.
- $250/h including rakeback at mid-stakes
- 1k hours, 600k hands
- log more hands in soft 10/20 to 50/100 games
- make at least one trip to Macau, maybe Vegas again in summer